Once again, Berserkir sat, licking his wounds and nursing his pride. An unsavory defeat against his nemesis, Achilles, had left a bitter taste in the haughty warrior’s mouth. Under a furrowed brow however, Berserkir’s thoughts dwelt upon revenge, not defeat.
Time would pass and again, at Mount Stonehammer they met. Two warriors, side by side, walking with the purposeful countenance that only the spectre of death could imbue. The trees were still. The birds were quiet. Even Father Wind held his breath in silent anticipation of the struggle that would shake the very mountaintops. Focusing on all the training he had endured and with strong will and determination, he conquered the mighty Achilles. Father Wind breathed a sigh of relief as the battle ended, carrying the soul of Achilles on the heels of his autumn breeze.
Are you prepared for battle? Are you ready for Avara? With its fast and furious action and unique 3D game play, you can’t help but be absorbed in the game. Avara’s real-time graphic action will start your heart pounding as you see your opponent gracefully bound across the terrain and quickly swoop in behind you. Using both the mouse and keyboard, you have complete 360 degree control to counter-maneuver and quickly target your enemy. Players aren’t limited to “sliding” around in predetermined mazes like in many of the older 3D games. Avara’s maneuverability is unique, allowing its warriors to freely climb, jump, and run on any of the structures in the battlefield.
Add to this Avara’s networkablity, and the game gets even more interesting. Avara allows you to meet and play against people from all around the world, right over the Internet. Develop your skills and strategy in the many solo levels, and when you are ready, access the Avara Internet Tracker to locate worthy opponents. The Tracker offers users a continually updated list of Avara games in progress all over the net. Avara can also be played across LAN (Local Area Network) connections, for those not brave enough to step out into the maelstrom of Internet battle.
With Avara, you are also able to design your own battlefields. The only limiting factor to your gaming experience is your imagination. Using the objects and structures that are provided, and an easy-to-follow manual, designing levels for Avara is a snap. You will never get tired of Avara due to this expandability; it is a game that is always growing. New and exciting levels, from those who want to show off their creative and imaginative accomplishments, will spread all over the Internet.
About This Manual
This manual assumes that you are familiar with the Macintosh and its basic operation. If you need help using the mouse, choosing from menus, or working in the Finder, please consult the Macintosh User’s Guide that came with your Macintosh, or the online Apple Guide from the Balloon Help menu.
If you don’t like to read manuals...
Go directly to Chapter 4, Getting Started. This chapter briefly describes how to get Avara up and running in just a few minutes. The details of the game are described in the remainder of the documentation.
If you prefer step-by-step instructions...
Chapter 4, Getting Started, has many useful tips that will help you when playing Avara. You should read it and then continue on to Chapters 5 through 12, which explain the game in more detail. They provide all the specifics of the game that can not be learned through playing.
Chapter 13, Avara Extras describes some of the extra items that come with Avara, such as the Avara MicroTracker and Avara Commuter, and gives information about building and editing your own levels.
Chapter 14, Optimization and Troubleshooting, and Chapter 15, Menu Descriptions, are reference chapters. The Optimization and Troubleshooting chapter discusses how to get the best performance from your Macintosh and your network, and also answers some common questions that arise. The Menu Descriptions chapter details the operation of each menu item in Avara.
To use this manual as a reference...
See Chapter 2, Table of Contents, for an outline of this manual. Under each heading is a listing of the points covered in that chapter.
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